I am struggling to make payment for my insurance, can you help me?


If you’re struggling financially to make your payments get in touch to discuss your options as soon as possible.

We may be able to help with options like moving a payment, suspending a payment or reviewing your cover, where appropriate. Get in touch via live chat. 
You can find more extensive Financial Support and Debt advice from other organisations, including the following:


The government’s MoneyHelper service provides practical guidance for people who are struggling with higher bills, uncertain income or the loss of a job. 

Step Change are a charity that offer free flexible debt advice to help you deal with your debt and set up a solution. It takes two minutes to answer a few simple online questions, so they can understand the best way to help you.
Citizens Advice is a UK wide charity that helps millions of people find a way forward. They do this by providing advice, education and support on debt, housing, benefits, employment and much more.  


You can contact us by using the log in button below, logging in to your Account, then selecting ‘Need Help?’ We're available Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 9am-2pm.

If you’re unable to log in, click on the button below and then choose ‘Need help?’ at the top right-hand side of the page.




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